
Upload to S3 via Postman

// S3 Endpoint
// https://<my_bucket><file_destination>
// Example: 

// Generate SHA256 sum:
shasum -a 256 my_file.txt | cut -f1 -d\ | xxd -r -p | base64

// Postman Steps:
1. Set up AWS SIgnature Auth type in Postman
2. Use additional keys in Heders:
    * x-amz-checksum-sha256: your base64 encoded checksum sha256, for instance: 9WjDllRkasTzHyHRbXREEETNNgP0BP/I/16zlE91EH4=
    * x-amz-server-side-encryption: AES256
3. Use binary in Body and select file from hard drive
4. Send request

Unlock the state in Terraform

terraform force-unlock LOCK_ID

Unlock the state in Terraspace

bundle exec terraspace force-unlock <stackName> <Id>    
# unintall gem
gem uninstall terraspace -v 1.0.2

Last updated